WHAT WE'RE ALL ABOUT. Reader and contributor orientation. Late April, 2019. Single-item pullout.
You're in the right place! This is the link for just this one feature. But this one is more than an archived "stand alone." It's essential orientation, and your invitation to play! This appears in the FULL EDITION, with all the other stories published on the same date, and a TABLE OF CONTENTS of that edition, at: https://news-events-perspectives.blogspot.com/2019/04/news-events-perspectives-associated.html ___ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ WHAT WE'RE ALL ABOUT. (The longest thing in this edition.) W elcome! In the changing world of journalism, many experienced writers, investigative journalists, and print media reporters have lost their jobs due to corporate mega-mergers and the inevitable downsizing that follows. That's also true in television and radio newsrooms, though it's far worse in print-and-web "printed word" reporting. Over 2,400 journalists -- many of them investigative repor...