Oklahoma City Bombing. APRIL 19th IN HISTORY AND THE LEGACY THAT COULD RESURFACE ANY TIME. Late April, 2019. Single-item pullout.

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# 2 feature... 
From the section:
☆  "The Main News -- though you might not find it any place but here..."


Today marks the 24th anniversary of the OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING. On April 19, 1995, a former soldier deeply influenced by the literature and ideas of the radical right detonated a truck bomb on a delayed timer that allowed him to escape. (We avoid publishing the names of heinous criminals, so as not to memorialize them.)

The resulting explosion destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. It killed 168 people, including babies in a day care center, and injured 675 others, some crippled for life.

On the footprint of the Murrah Building is a memorial operated
by the Nat'l Park Service. On its lawn are 168 empty chairs.
Each stone chair bears the name of one of the
168 people killed by the bombing.
Drawing upon a massive news archive of the events, including more than 60 hours of audio from jailhouse interviews with the bomber, the award-winning PBS "American Experience" documentary "Oklahoma City" traces the events that led the bomber to his murderous act on that day. It recounts the stories of survivors, first responders, U.S. Marshals, FBI investigators, and journalists who covered the attack.

Click either image to enlarge it.
"Oklahoma City" is available on iTunes, Netflix, Amazon Prime and Google Play, and those who have bought the "PBS Passport" already know how to watch it free.

But we can't stop there. Because this is a past that can happen again, and it is far more likely to revisit our shores than any act of foreign-based terrorism. Acts of intimidation, manifesting in far more open expressions of both anti-minority and anti-immigrant white nationalism, and (Jussie  Smollett aside) other manifestations of violent racism, are all on the rise over the past two years. That's throughout America, along with parts of Europe. And in Israel and America, the titular heads of state have fomented it. (Doubters can check FBI Crime Statistics and those of domestic and global human rights groups.)

For some inscrutable reason, corporate media and politicians collude in a conspiracy of denial that forbids labelling these acts as terrorism. Perhaps that's because the warconomy needs that word to justify ever-more replacement of diplomacy with military-backed regime change -- to export shockingly violent acts to other people's countries.  And to employ a standard response of "praying for the victims" instead of finding ways to end domestic terrorism -- especially when assault weapons are involved.

A common factor in the marked rise of violence -- along with America's adduction to owning military combat weapons and failing to treat what combat does to our veterans -- is another factor. It's one that's emphasized in a new documentary film, this one a short. It focuses on the literature and ideas of the radical right that motivated the Oklahoma City bomber, and continues to manifest in violent and murderous acts that never seem to be called terrorism.

Asking, "Could a single book inspire deadly terror?" the digital short, "The Turner Diaries," chronicles adherents to the book and the crimes -- including 200 murders -- they have committed. This new short film also interviews J.M. Berger, an expert and -- in odd academic speak -- "extremism fellow" at The Hague. It reveals rare footage of "The Turner Diaries" author William Pierce. You can watch it at:


And yes, Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of the massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado. Mainstream media appears to be focused on that, but not on Oklahoma City. So we chose the latter.



Boilerplate? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox?

What "boilerplate"? Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff...

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